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Guess: 겠 Grammar with Free PDF Worksheet Included

The pre-final 겠 has mainly two uses. 겠1 is to talk about the determination of the future action. Today, you'll learn about how to express your guess. I will refer to it 겠 or 겠 2 throughout my lesson.

guess 겠

1. 겠 Grammar

The ending 겠 is the pre-final ending that indicates speculation. You can express your guesses about other people or situations based on one's own opinion.

나중에 비가 오겠어요. (I think) It will rain later.

제 생각에는 이게 좋겠어요. In my opinion, this one looks good.

민지 씨는 운동을 열심히 하니까 건강하겠어요. Minji must be very healthy because she exercises hard.

2. Conjugation Information

Since you use 겠 to talk about your guess, you can attach it to a verb stem, an adjective stem, 이다 or 아니다. (SO, basically, all the predicate!) You can simply attach 겠 between the stem and ending. That is why it is called the pre-final ending.


You don't have to worry about the final consonant or irregular rules for 겠. Simply attach it to the stem! I'll show you the examples with the informal polite present ending 았/었/였어요.

Stem + 겠 + (ending)어요


  • 읽다(to read) → 읽어요.

  • 가다(to go) → 가어요.

  • 그리다(to draw/paint) → 그리어요.

  • 공부하다 → 공부하겠어요.

  • 만들다(to make) → 만들어요.

  • 듣다(to listen) → 듣어요.

  • 짓다(to build) → 짓어요.

  • 돕다(to help) → 돕어요.


  • 많다(to much/many) → 많어요.

  • 적다(to little/few) → 적어요.

  • 크다(to be big) → 크어요.

  • 작다(to be small) → 작어요.

  • 춥다(to be cold) → 춥어요.

  • 파랗다(to be blue) → 파랗어요.


  • 이다 → 이어요.

  • 아니다 → 아니어요.


Since you are guessing about a situation, you can use this 겠 with past, present, and future tense. You are making a guess about these times.

  • Guess about the past: 어제 공원에 사람이 많았겠어요. (I think) There were lots of people in the park.

  • Guess about the present: 지금 공원에 사람이 많겠어요. (I think) There are a lot of people in the park now.

  • Guess about the future: 내일 공원에 사람이 많겠어요. (I think) There will be a lot of people in the park tomorrow.

3. Expression

You are talking about your guess, so it is often used with the connective ending 아/어/여서, the reasoning grammar.

A아/여/여서 B겠어요. (I think) B because A.

날이 추워서 강이 얼겠어요. The lake will be frozen because the weather is cold.

시간이 늦어서 민지 씨는 자고 있겠어요. Minji is probably sleeping because it is late.

4. Sentence Information

This is a bit more advanced grammar. Let's read and learn more about the 겠 grammar!

Subject pronouns

Since it is a grammar that shows your guess about "other" people or situations, it is weird to be used with the first person pronouns like 나, 저, 우리, 저희. If you use these pronouns, it is highly likely to be the 겠1-future & determination.

(X) 저는 요즘 일이 많아서 바쁘겠어요. I'm probably busy because I have lots of work.

(O) 저는 요즘 일이 많아서 바빠요. I'm busy because I have lots of work.

↪ It sounds weird to guess about your feelings or situation. Instead of using 겠어요, you directly express your feelings.

However, if you are imagining the situation, first-person might be used.

이렇게 천천히 가면 (저는) 수업에 늦겠어요. If I go this slowly, I may be late for the class.

겠 in formal situations

This 겠 is well used to inform in formal situations like broadcasts, announcements, forecasts, etc. If you are following my lesson, you'll soon learn about this "formal" ending. So, don't worry too much about it, and just remember 겠 is well used in "official" situations.

내일은 맑겠습니다. Tomorrow will be sunny.

잠시 후 공연이 시작되겠습니다. Soon, the show will begin.

Comparisons 겠1 vs. 겠2

So, you learned the two different uses of 겠. Here, I'll compare them for you.



determination about the future action

guess about a situation

It can be attached only to a verb stem.

You can attach it to all predicates(verb, adjective, 이다 and 아니다).

You can use only the first-person pronouns. 나, 저, 우리, 저희.

You can talk about other than yourself.

You are talking about the "future".

You can guess about the past, present, and future.

Comparisons 겠2 vs. 을 거예요 2

Both 겠 and 을 거예요 can be used to express your guess. It can be a tricky matter, so please read carefully!


을 거예요 2

Your basis for guessing is your subjective thoughts and judgment. - less confident

The basis for guessing is a general fact, objective idea, or speaker's experience. - more confident

(O) 제 생각에는 이게 좋겠어요. In my opinion, this will be good.

(X) 제 생각에는 이게 좋을 거예요.

(X) 전에 먹어봤는데 맛있겠어요.

(O) 전에 먹어 봤는데 맛있을 거예요. I tried that before, it'll be tasty.

You can use the second or third person.

You can use the third person.

진아씨는 기쁘겠어요. Jina, you must be happy./ Jina must be happy. -Depending on context, you can translate it into two meanings.

진아 씨는 기쁠 거예요. Jina must be happy.

5. Examples


(As look at the food you never tried)

맛있겠어요. It looks tasty.

맛있다 means "to be delicious." If you think it will be tasty, you can say "맛있겠어요." If you want to learn the vocabulary related to the flavor, please click here to read my post.


(As you look up at the sky, it's very cloudy)

비가 오겠어요. (I think) it'll rain.

Since the basis of your guess is what you saw, you use the 겠. It has a less confident vibe. Compare this with example 3 below.


(You saw the news. It said it'll rain today 90%.)

비가 올 거예요. It'll rain.

You have a more objective basis for your guess. So, 을 거예요 version is proper.


비가 많이 와서 홍수가 나겠어요. It'll be flooded because it rains too much.

This guess 겠 is often used with 아/어/여서. You can give a reason why you thought like that.

6. Wrap-up & Worksheet

Today, you learned about the second meaning of 겠. It is quite important grammar, so please take your time and review it thoroughly!

  • 겠 shows your guess about a situation.

  • You guess based on your thoughts or opinion.

  • You can use the second/third person.

  • It is well used with 아/어/여서 to give a reason why you think like that.

I prepared the free PDF worksheet. You can print out and solve to practice. The answers are in the lesson you just read. So, once you solve it, please make sure to check back your answers!

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