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Informal Casual Question: 니/냐 Grammar Free Worksheet Included

There are mainly two ways to ask a question the informal casual style. I'll discuss both here and give you a detailed lesson about 니/냐 version.

There will be a free worksheet attached at the end of the lesson, so please don't forget to practice with it!

니 questions

1. Informal Casual Questions

Basic Ways

The main way to make a question in the informal casual style (해체) is the same as the statement! You can just add the question marker instead of the period in writing. Also, raise the accent at the end of the sentence when you speak.


밥 먹어? Are you eating now?


밥 먹었어? Did you eat?

니 Grammar

Another way of asking is to use 니 grammar. 니 is the sentence ending that can be attached to a verb stem, an adjective stem, or 이다 and 아니다. It is used to ask about a fact or situation.

밥 먹었? Did you eat?

It is one of the informal casual endings. So, you can use it only for someone who is the same age or younger. This ending has a tone that a higher person asks a lower person, like an adult to a child. It also has a kind, friendly vibe.


아들, 숙제 다 했? Son, did you finish your homework?

So, it is not good to use for someone who is even slightly older than you, even if you guys are in a very close relationship! You can use 아/어/여 question form for these people, as long as you guys already made an "agreement" to use the 반말 (a low form of speech).

Let's say you're asking a question to a school senior who is one year older than you. You guys are very good friends and she agreed to use 반말 before.

(O) 언니, 숙제 다 했어? Did you finish your homework?

(X) 언니, 숙제 다 했니?

You can ask her with 아/어/여 form. It is a simple asking. However, you can't use 니 version since it can only be used for someone of the same age or younger due to the vibe it has.

Addressing someone

언니 means "an older sister of a female." It is the term to address your older sister if you are a woman in a family relationship. However, Korean family terms are used in daily life for people who are not related in blood! If you are a woman, you can call an older female friend 언니 to show the initiative. If you want to know more about it, please click here to read my other lesson.

냐 grammar

냐 has a rougher vibe than 니. It is often used among teenage boys.

Q: 야! 어제 치킨 먹었? Hey! Did you eat fried chicken yesterday?

2. Conjugation Information

Let's see how we can conjugate(change) words with 니 and 냐. I'll explain the rules with 니 here since it is more common, friendly, and kind. If you want to make 냐 versions, you can simply replace 니 with 냐!

Verbs: 니

Even though it is written just "니," there is a tricky part of this grammar's conjugation. For most words, you will simply attach 니 to the stem. Take a look at how usual irregular verbs are not a matter with 니.

  • 먹다 to eat → 먹니?

  • 가다 to go → 가니?

  • 이다 to be → 이니?

  • 쓰다 to write → 쓰니?

  • 있다 to be/to stay → 있니?

  • 듣다 to listen → 듣니?

  • 짓다 to build → 짓니?

  • 돕다 to help → 돕니?

However, you have to be careful for the words that end with the final consonant ㄹ. In this case, you'll erase the ㄹ first and then add 니.

  • 놀다 to play → 노니?

  • 만들다 to make → 만드니?

It is funny that you don't even have to worry about the usual irregular words with this rule, but you have to pay extra attention to ㄹ words. Well, it is because ㄹ and ㄴ kinda have a special pronunciation conflict. It is hard to say 놀니 or 만들니. So, over time, ㄹ dropped out naturally.

Adjectives: (으)니

For adjectives, you can attach 니 just like verbs. However, for the words that end with the final consonants, you can attach 으니 as well. 니 is common, but you can choose to use (으)니.





으니 or 니

좋다 to be good → 좋니? or 좋으니?


쓰다 to be bitter → 쓰니?

Drop ㄹ + 니?

멀다 to be far → 머니?

Here are more examples. If you choose to use the (으)니 form, now you have to worry about the irregular forms. Also, it has a bit of old-fashioned vibe. So, if you are a beginner, it will be okay to focus on the 니 form first.

  • 깊다 to be deep → 깊니? or 깊으니?

  • 춥다 to be cold → 춥니? or 추우니?

  • 낫다 to be better → 낫니? or 나으니?

  • 크다 to be big → 크니?

  • 빠르다 to be fast → 빠르니?

  • 행복하다 to be happy → 행복하니?

  • 길다 to be long → 기니?

  • 멀다 to be far → 머니?

3. Sentence Information

니/냐 grammar is used to ask questions to others. You are not supposed to use it for yourself.

(O) 네 집이 어디니? Where is your house?

(X) 내 집이 어디니? Where is my house?

The reason why I said you are "not supposed to use" is because in some contexts it is allowed! It can be used when talking about one's actions or states or asking questions with the intention of confirming something with the other person.

나 제대로 하고 있는거 맞? Am I doing it in the right way right?

↪ The subject is the first person(나, I) but it is to ask an opinion of the other. So, 니 can be used!

4. Examples

Let's check out some examples! I'll also write down the breakdown explanations! Try to make your own sentences using the words you know!


가게에서 (In a store)

주인(owner): 영수증 필요하니? Do you need a receipt?

아이(child): 네, 주세요. Yes, please.

A store owner asks a child if he needs a receipt. When an adult asks a child, 니 grammar sounds natural. 아이(a child) will need to use a polite form when answering since the store owner is much older than him.


Q: 딸, 지금 뭐 하니? Hey daughter, what are you doing now?

A: 티비 봐요! I'm watching TV.

딸 means a daughter. A parent can call the child's name but use the title like 딸 daughter or 아들 son as well.


You saw the neighbor kid is going somewhere.

Q: 진수야, 어디 가니? Hey Jinsu, where are you going?

A: 안녕하세요. 친구 집에 가요. Hi. I'm going to my friend's house.


Q: 아들이 중학생이니? Is your son a middle school student?

A: 아니, 고등학생이야. No, he is a high school student.

Two friends are talking. "이니?" came from "이다 (to be)" with the "니?" form. 이니 can mean "am," "are," or "is" depending on the context.


A boy 수철(Su-Cheol) asks his friend about the promotional round of the game.

수철: 어제 승급전 잘 했냐? Did you do well in the promotion match yesterday?

민호: 어, 승급했다. Yes, I got promoted.

It's a conversation between two boys. They talk very casually.

5. Wrap-up & Worksheet: 니 Grammar

수업이 어땠니? (How was the lesson?) Let's review the summary and solve the quiz! I prepared the free and printable worksheet.

  • 니 is one of the ways to ask in an informal casual way.

  • 니 can be used only between friends or to someone younger than you.

  • No matter how close you are, you can't use it for someone older than you.

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