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Please Don't V: 지 마세요 Grammar Free Worksheet Included

Hello! In this post, we will learn how to use the grammar structure "지 마세요" to prohibit something in Korean. The original grammar is "지 말다." Since it can be quite extensive, today we will first introduce the most common version, which is the informal polite command form. I will provide detailed explanations, examples, and a free worksheet, so please follow along with me step by step!

지 마세요 grammar title

1. 지 마세요 Grammar

지 말다 is an expression to show prohibition. By combining this with the command/request ending "(으)세요." we can understand it as "Don't V" or "Please don't V.".

창문-window, 열다-to open

By combining 창문을 열다 and 지 마세요, we ban someone, saying "Do not open the window." Now let's take a look how we can conjugate this expression.

2. Conjugation Information

You are banning someone from doing something, so you can attach it only to a verb stem! You don't have to worry about the adjectives.

I have some good news for you! You can attach 지 마세요 directly to a verb stem. You don't have to worry about the final consonant, vowel, or irregular conjugation words!



지 마세요

Don't V



Don't eat.


Don't drink.


Don't play/Don't be idle.


Don't write/Don't use it.


Don't listen.


Don't draw a line.


Don't pick it up.

3. Sentence Information


Since it ends with the command ending, it is not appropriate to use someone who is much older than you or who has a higher social status than you. You can't tell them what to do or not to do! Even though it is an informal polite ending, it is not polite enough!

(X) 사장님, 회의에 빠지지 마세요. Boss, don't miss the meeting.

To ask them politely, we can consider attaching the "어 주다" grammar. It is the expression to seek for help. So, you are politely asking them, not command!

지 말아 주세요. Please don't V.

(X) 할아버지, 그 방에 가지 마세요.

(O) 할아버지, 그 방에 가지 말아 주세요.

Grandpa, please don't go in that room.

(=Please do me a favor and don't go in that room.)

Negative Meaning

Since "지 마세요" has already a negative meaning, you don't attach other negative forms. For example, you don't attach the short negative form 안 or the long negative form 지 않다.

(X) 이 우산을 안 쓰지 마세요.

(X) 이 우산을 쓰지 않지 마세요.

4. Examples

Let's see some examples! Try using your own sentences as well!


(도서관에서 in a library)

떠들지 마세요. Don't chat.

떠들다 means to chat. You'll see the banning signs like this from lots of public places!



잔디를 밟지 마세요. Don't step on the grass!

잔디 means grass. 밟다 means to step. You attach 지 마세요 to make people don't do that action!


여기에 쓰레기를 버리지 마세요. Do not litter here.

쓰레기 means garbage. 버리다 means to throw away. To put them together 쓰레기를 버리다 means "to throw away garbage" or "to litter".


Q: 여기 주차해도 돼요? May I park here?

A: 아니요, 여기 주차하지 마세요. No, don't park here.

To ask permission, we can use the grammar "아/어/여도 되다." 주차하다 means to park. You attach 지 마세요 to the stem 주차하.

In this case, you can also use the "(으)면 안 되다" (shouldn't) as well. 주차하면 안 돼요. You shouldn't park.


Q: 여기에서 수영을 해도 돼요? May I swim here?

A: 아니요, 여기서 수영을 하지 마세요. No, please don't swim here.

수영하다 means to swim. Again, you can say "수영을 하면 안 돼요." to ban swimming.

5. Wrap-up & Worksheet

  • V지 마세요: Don't V (Please don't V)

  • You can attach it only to a verb stem.

  • You are not allowed to use it for someone who is much older than you.

Here is the free and printable worksheet for you! This worksheet only has a quiz. You can find the answers throughout this post. Once you solve it, make sure to check the answers!

If this lesson was helpful, please like my post and subscribe to my website for future updates! In the next lesson, you'll begin to learn how to talk to your friends in Korean! Thank you for studying using My Korean lesson. 감사합니다! 🤗

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