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Various Meanings of 이나 2 & 3 Grammar Free Worksheet Included

이나 mainly has three meanings. The main meaning of 이나 is 이나 1 which is "or". You can read the detailed lesson, by clicking here. Today, you'll learn about two other meanings in this lesson!

various 이나 grammar

1. 이나2 Grammar


이나 is the marker. So, you attach it to a noun. Since there are so many 이나, I'll mark this one as 이나 2.

The important part of 이나 2 is that it has a special tone. It shows the second-best or next-best.

So, it adds a tone that N(noun) is not the best option but enough option. You are not the most happy with this N but it works. So, you show the passable point with this 이나 2 marker.

It is also often used to make a casual suggestion based on this somewhat disappointing situation.



밥이 없어서 라면이나 먹었어요.

I just had ramen because I didn't have any rice.

So, 라면(instant noodles) is not your best option. You wanted to have some rice. But there is no rice. You only have 라면 and it will do its job. So, you are adding this "oh well," or "just" tone with this marker. It is interesting, isn't it?


Q: 뭐 마실래요? 커피? 주스? What you would like to drink? Coffee? Juice?

A: 그냥 물이나 주세요. Just give me some water, please.

그냥 means "just". Since 이나 has the tone of "just". It goes along well with 그냥 in a sentence. 그냥 is optional. You don't have to attach it. It just emphasizes the vibe.


심심해요. 영화 볼까요?

I'm bored. Shall we just watch a movie?

There may be better things to do. But watching a movie is the second best. So, you are making a casual suggestion to watch a movie.


해외여행은 너무 비싸요. 국내여행이나 가요.

Traveling abroad is too expensive. Let's just go to the domestic travel.

What you really want is to travel abroad. But since it is expensive, you are okay with traveling nationwide. So, to show it's "okay" with an "oh well" tone, we attach 이나.

2. 이나3 Grammar


이나 3 adds a tone that quantity or quality is greater or more than expectation. So, you are adding a bit of a surprised tone.



강당에 학생이 천 명이나 있어요.

There are 1,000 students in the auditorium.

By adding 이나 to the number, you show your surprise. It is more than what you expected.


제니 씨는 언니가 여섯 명이나 있어요!

Jenny has 6 older sisters!

Now, that's many sisters. With a surprise, we can attach 이나 to show that. By the way, 여섯 means 6 and 명 is a counting word for people. If you want to learn how to count, please click here to read my free lesson.


저는 어제 커피를 다섯 잔이나 마셨어요.

I drank 5 cups of coffee yesterday.

다섯 is five 잔 is a counting word for cup or glass.


민수가 게임을 열두 시간이나 했어요.

Minsu played the game for 12 hours.

시간 is a duration of time. You need to use the native Korean numbers; 하나, 둘, 셋,... to show the duration of time.


A: 저는 한 달에 책을 열 권 정도 읽어요. I read about ten books per month.

B: 우와. 열 권이나 읽어요? Wow. Ten books?

3. Conjugation Information

이나 has two forms; 이나 or 나. You have to look at the last syllable of a noun that you'll attach to this marker. If it ends with a final consonant, please attach 이나. If it ends with a vowel, add 나.




받침 O


물: 물이나 just water

받침 X

주스: 주스나 just juice

4. Wrap-up & Worksheet

Today, I showed you various meanings of 이나 grammar. Here is the summary for you!

  • 이나 1: Or

  • 이나 2: Passable point Add "just" tone.

  • 이나 3: Surprise tone

I have created a free printable worksheet for you. The answers can be found within the lesson. After you have finished solving the worksheet, return to the lesson to verify your answers. This will also aid you in reviewing the grammar!

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